The Role of the Womb on the Spiritual Path
Supportive podcast episode on this topic: #30: Descend to Ascend
I remember when I started on the feminine path about a decade ago. I didn’t know I had started my journey but looking back it seems very clear and obvious that I was well on my way. At the time, I was studying and learning a lot about the esoteric wisdom of the Feminine. It all felt so nice and heart-based and like something I just couldn’t get enough of. I was naturally pulled to learn everything I could about it.
Eventually, I became so in love with the Path I was learning about, all I wanted to do was devote myself fully to it. Nothing else in the world seemed to make sense for me. This was during the time that I was learning how to navigate my meditation journeys and remembering my connection to Lemuria, so functioning in the day-to-day reality of modern-day life seemed very odd to me.
So I decided to make a request (more like a proclamation) to none other than Madam Pele on Big Island during a visit there. I asked to be guided on this Path that was calling my Soul Deeply (which I still didn’t have words for at the time) and if I received guidance, I would devote myself fully in whichever way I was asked.
Well, you know what they say:
Be Careful what you ask For.
Pele didn’t give much longer before she answered me in ways I don’t think I would have agreed to if I knew the Terms and Conditions (although, I wouldn’t have learned my lessons otherwise….so here we are).
Shortly after our return back home, I was dropped into the realms of the Womb for the first time in my life. I experienced an abortion and my life changed forever.
I had been on the ‘spiritual path’ for a few years by that point and it was all very airy fairy, full of psychic gifts, aliens, high-vibrational talk and all the other multi-dimensional stuff that can be very attractive, flashy and fulfilling to the ego.
And there I was, face to face with death, in the depths of something NOONE had ever talked about to me: The Womb
Why was this happening? What did I do to deserve this? What was the purpose of it all? And why was there no immediate support systems within the spiritual community to navigate the space of the womb?
It was like this unspoken topic that was completely overlooked because the more important chakras were above the heart, not below it, or so they said.
The Feminine was teaching me my first lesson:
Your SPIRITUAL POWER lies in your Womb and you must RECLAIM it.
Wow. Speechless.
I had to literally find help from an elder woman who lived in Central America, off-grid and rarely available for one-on-one support, to help explain to me that what I had just gone through was an absolute reconstruction of my womb, and it could take YEARS for my body (and psyche) to Recover.
“WHAT? The nurse gave me a pill and said I would be fine within 24 hours” I told her.
She laughed,
‘Oh honey’ she replied ‘The medical system is decades behind understanding the role of the womb. You’re going to have to figure this out on your own timing, and hopefully one day, you can support other women in realizing what you are yet to learn through this healing crisis.’
And she was right. It took me years to recover fully. I believe some women don’t ever recover because they don’t actually have the space or ability in their lives to do so.
And now returning to the Role of the Womb on the Spiritual Path…..
In that time, I came to realize that I had turned to spirituality as a way to leave the harshness of this world, instead of embodying my spiritual aspects as a way to be, transform and create in this world.
My womb would have never had a place on my spiritual journey if I hadn’t been initiated by Pele. Since then, I promised myself I would support women in remembering and reclaiming their wombs on the Spiritual Path.
Why Am I sharing this?
Because so many of us are called on the spiritual path not realizing that the center of our life revolves around the womb and no matter your age or womb story, you cannot bypass the womb if you want to do real spiritual work.
If you want to learn and embody Real Power, you need to take responsibility for the womb you carry. And there are no excuses. Too often I hear women in menopause, women who have had their ovaries removed or women on birth control shrug their shoulders as if they received a green permission slip to not have to look there.
I’d argue these women have even MORE of a responsibility to Reclaim their Womb’s Wisdom simply because of the fact that they are here to remind women that the womb is an ENERGY CENTER that can NEVER be lost or taken away from you! Nothing, no one and No procedure will prevent you from reclaiming the role of the womb on the spiritual path.
If you are a woman, you have a sacred responsibility to nourish, replenish, clear and heal your womb.
I don’t care about your back story.
We carry the energy of 7 generations before us and every relationship we’ve ever been in within our womb space and that holds an infinite amount of power over our current reality.
You will not be able to progress on your spiritual path without having to eventually understand and anchor into your womb because the wisdom of the Womb is what holds and alchemizes all of life. It understands how to work with the spiritual substance of your life in ways that incomprehensible to the mind.
I often see women in the healing space that are very ungrounded, caught up in the power struggle of light and dark or stuck in situations that involve a lot of drama and turmoil and unfortunately when you ask around, you find out they are terribly scared of talking about their womb or don’t give it much importance.
I am eternally grateful for my initiation with Pele and eventually being able to live on Hawai’i to receive directly from that land. She has taught me so much about the role of the womb on the spiritual path that I wish to share with you.
So with all this, I ask you:
What’s your womb story?
Has the Womb awakened within you?
Have you reclaimed your Womb Power?
Are there emotions, sensations, stories, or memories, living in your womb right now that desire to be witnessed, expressed or released?
The following are things I have noticed after years of working with women.
- Mentally drained or constantly over-thinking/over-analyzing
- Highly Psychic but not able to ground
- Excessively talking (or thinking about what you will say next)
- Eating disorders (disconnection to your body and nourishment)
- Unable to make clear and healthy decisions for yourself (self-sabotage)
- Unaware of what body nourishment means or feels like
- Obsessively controlling (people, calories, children, husband, environment, etc)
- Very self-centered
- Not Trusting life or feeling supported by Life (through the up’s and down’s)
- Always in fight or flight
- Constantly people-pleasing
- Lacking confidence or self-worth
- Seeking approval or following others when it comes to sexual and sensual practices
- Excessively exposing your body and it’s intimate parts in a plea for attention (yes, that’s the Instagram mom who’s 85% naked somehow claiming confidence - which is an absolute oxymoron)
- Overly or Under Sexual Appetite
-In extreme financial situations that do not suit you
-Disconnected to the Beauty, Magic & Wonder of life
If you feel ready to Reclaim the role of your Womb on your Spiritual Path, I invite you to join me inside Menstrual Magic. This is the first step inside the Seductress Path and it’s currently OPEN!
Make sure to check out this link to learn all about the details and what will be covered. If you feel you are ready to go deeper, the Womban Wisdom mentorship may be a better fit for you. Feel free to ask me questions on which path is best for you via Instagram @celestegluz1111 or YouTube @celestegluz1111